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Physiotherapy, Here's What You Need to Know

Physiotherapy or physical therapy is a procedure performed to examine, handle, and evaluate patients who have limited mobility and bodily functions. Physiotherapy is also used to prevent physical disabilities, and reduce the risk of injury and movement disorders that can occur later in life. In undergoing physiotherapy, the patient will be assisted by a physiotherapist, who is an expert in applying the principles and practice of physical therapy. Physiotherapy can be done for patients of all ages, from children to the elderly. Athletes are one of the general groups that require physiotherapy to restore their body condition.

Indications of Physiotherapy

The doctor will consider physiotherapy for patients who experience pain and limited body movements. Conditions suggested for undergoing physiotherapy include:
  • Spinal disorders. This disorder can cause complaints of neck pain, shoulder pain, or back pain.
  • Arthritis. Inflammation in one or several parts of the joint that has the main symptoms of pain and stiffness in the joints, and can get worse with age.
  • Post amputation. Amputation is the loss of certain body parts due to an illness or injury, either planned by surgery or spontaneously lost (auto amputation).
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome. Conditions that cause pain, numbness, and tingling sensations on the hands and wrists.
  • Injury when exercising.
  • Post fracture.
  • Impaired brain and nervous system functions, such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson's disease.
  • Heart disorders and blood circulation.
  • Lung and respiratory system disorders, such as cystic fibrosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Physiotherapy Warning

It is important to understand that each patient's response to physiotherapy is different. This is greatly influenced by the shape of the body, movement patterns, and behavior patterns of each patient that is different from one another. Patients are advised to tell their doctor about medicines, including supplements and herbal products, which are being consumed.

Before physiotherapy

Before undergoing a therapeutic program, patients must undergo examinations and assessments conducted by physical and rehabilitation specialists (physiotherapy doctors), so that the required therapeutic program can be determined. Patients should also ask questions that are not yet known, for example about the goals, benefits, or risks that can occur, as well as the expected results of a physiotherapy program. Each physiotherapy program will be conducted in several sessions and guided by a physiotherapist. To prepare before undergoing a physiotherapy session, patients are advised to move their bodies frequently. To make the movement more flexible, patients can use clothes that are not too tight or rather loose. Patients with neck pain can wear short-sleeved shirts or sleeveless shirts to make it easier for doctors to examine the area around the shoulders and arms. Short pants should also be used for patients suffering from hip, knee, or ankle pain.

Physiotherapy Procedure

Physiotherapy generally lasts 30-60 minutes per session. In one week, patients can do several sessions, depending on the plan and physiotherapy technique used. The frequency and time of therapy can also change, adjusted to the latest physiotherapy results. There are 3 main approaches taken in conducting a physiotherapy program. Among others are:
  • Manual therapy

  • Manual therapy is a therapy carried out using the hands of a physiotherapist to help move, massage or manipulate the body's tissues that are disturbed. A number of uses of manual therapy include increasing the range of motion of the body, expediting blood flow, overcoming pain or stiffness in joints and muscles, and providing a sensation of relaxation.
  • Exercise and movement

  • In accordance with the program planned by the physiotherapist, the physiotherapist will help the patient to perform certain body parts movements. This movement will be repeated over a period of time. Apart from only involving one part of the body, the movements performed can also involve all parts of the body, for example the patient is asked to walk. In physiotherapy sessions, patients can also be helped with tools in moving exercises, such as sticks. This mobile exercise can also be done in water or called hydrotherapy. In addition to the physiotherapy sessions assisted by the physiotherapist, the physiotherapist will also teach the patient the exercises that the patient can do at home. It is important to always be active in doing the recommended movements, but still do it safely, and if necessary, in supervision.
  • Education and advice

  • In addition to movement exercises and manual therapy, education about a healthy lifestyle such as maintaining ideal body weight and regular exercise are important parts of a physiotherapy program. The physiotherapist will also give advice on correct body position in carrying out daily activities to reduce injuries and pain. For example, body position when lifting heavy objects for people who experience lower back pain.
In addition to going through the 3 main approaches above, the physiotherapy program can also apply other techniques to help the patient heal. Other techniques include:
  • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). TENS will send an electrical signal to the affected area to relieve pain.
  • Ultrasound therapy. High frequency sound waves are used to treat injuries to deep tissues by stimulating cell activity. The goal of ultrasound therapy is to reduce pain, tension, and speed up the recovery process.

After physiotherapy

After completing a program, the patient will meet with the physiotherapy doctor to see the progress and evaluate an physiotherapy program. After evaluation, the patient may undertake another physiotherapy program or repeat the same program. If the physiotherapy program is declared complete, it does not mean that the advice or training that has been given is also finished. Patients can apply advice and exercises that can be done at home to continue to improve the function of these body parts, also prevent further injury.

Risk of Physiotherapy

The main purpose of undergoing physiotherapy is to restore the condition of an illness or bodily injury that is being experienced, for example reducing pain. Although it does not pose a dangerous risk, physiotherapy can cause discomfort or pain in the part of the body being handled. However, this is normal. Patients can also feel anxious about the program that will be done or despair about the results that are not as expected. Therefore, it is important to know and understand correctly what will be done and the limits of the results to be achieved. Discuss this with the physiotherapist, before starting a physiotherapy program.
